To prompt a modern-day gold rush on new Gold Rush Scratch games, we leaned into the golden era of television: the sitcom. Our show, As Good As Gold, followed two miners—and their trusty mule, Eugene—on a quest to strike it rich in a whole new way.
Tap into the thrill of a gold rush to drive awareness and purchase for the new Gold Rush family of Scratch games.
We worked with our production team to produce and export three spots out of our Tier 2 budget for digital use only. We produced two :30 sitcom-themed spots, and a :15 video & theme song to bookend the :30s. Clients loved the creative so much that they sought out incremental budget to secure broadcast placements. “As Good As Gold” went on to win The Fifty’s Judge’s Choice award.
Colorado has a rich history in gold mining, so when Gold Rush Scratch was presented to us, we had to jump on the opportunity to make the tie to our home state.