Voice to Diabetes is an innovative tool that leverages AI to diagnose Type 2 diabetes based on the analysis of a person's voice. Traditionally, Type 2 diabetes diagnosis involves invasive blood work, but Voice to Diabetes harnesses AI and machine learning techniques to detect subtle vocal changes that are imperceptible to the human ear. By incorporating features like pitch and intensity changes, the tool successfully distinguishes between individuals with and without Type 2 diabetes.
The Voice to Diabetes system is a mobile phone app designed to identify Type 2 diabetes by just speaking into the phone. It is very simple to use. It displays a sentence on screen for the user to read out loud. The sentence is “Hello how are you, what is my glucose level right now?” The app then runs an analysis of the acoustic properties of the voice sample using a predictive model that was pre-trained on thousands of voice recordings to detect features that are associated with diabetes. The system doesn't comprehend what people say or what accent they have; it listens to lower-level features, such as minute amplitude or frequency modulation of the fundamental frequency of the voice. This analysis takes a few seconds. Once completed, the system shows a risk score of this person having Type 2 diabetes.
Voice to Diabetes generated over 4 billion earned press impressions, including more than 200 broadcast segments. The success of this product has led to additional studies being conducted in partnership with leading hospitals and colleges around the world.
It was covered in more than 65 countries worldwide, including the U.S. (CBS, CNET, FOX, Medical News Today, Medscape, The New York Post, SciTechDaily, Verywell Health, Z100, ZDNet), Canada (CTV, Global News, Toronto Star, ), the UK (The Daily Mail, The Independent, Metro, Sky News, Wales Online, Yahoo! News UK), Japan (Au One, Karapaia, Note), China (BiliBili, Sohu), Germany (Augsburger Allegemeine, Bild, Deutsche Welle), France (BFM TV, Courrier International, TVA Nouvelles, Yahoo! News France), and Brazil (Canal Tech, Correio Braziliense, Época Negócios, Estado de Minas, Galileu, O Globo, Terra.
With almost one in two, or 240 million adults living with diabetes worldwide unaware they have the condition, and the potential to save $32.75 billion globally, Voice to Diabetes has the potential to change the diagnostic landscape as we know it.
India is home to the second-largest number of diabetes patients in the world. Despite the staggering number of diabetes cases, more than half remain undiagnosed due to various factors including distance, cost, and lack of resources. India’s vast geographical expanse and uneven distribution of healthcare facilities make accessing diagnostic tests challenging for millions, especially in rural areas. The cost of healthcare, including blood tests, can be prohibitive for many Indians, leading to delayed or neglected health concerns. However, over a billion people living in India have mobile phones. With Voice to Diabetes, the widespread use of mobile phones across socioeconomic strata can now be leveraged to address healthcare disparities and save lives.