Best Small Budget Campaign (3 or more—budget of under USD or CAD 100,000)

Ticket to the 90s Video Campaign


VML Seattle

This web video campaign was part of the larger campaign done for Washington’s Lottery to promote the Seahawks Scratch ticket. Because the Seahawks, like many NFL teams, wore their highly awaited “throwback” (retro) jerseys from the 1990s for the first time in 2023, we tapped into nostalgia and created an integrated campaign called “Ticket to the ‘90s”. This web video series focuses specifically on our hero, Michael Bennett, helping to fill in the gaps of what our protagonist, Dave, missed when he was down in his Y2K bunker.

The main challenges centered around what was happening in Washington State in 2023. Massive layoffs throughout the state, homelessness at an all-time high, significant increase in wildfires, not to mention the lingering effects of COVID—all these things contributed to heightened stress and anxiety in individuals across the state. What we were asked to do was to take people’s minds off this negativity and give them a much-needed escape through the simplicity of Seahawks football.

We solved the brief in a number of ways with this web video series. By using much-loved nostalgia, we took people back to a simpler time. The 1990s were a great decade in Seattle and we wanted to tap into all of it. We also chose to use a retired fan favorite, Michael Bennett, to lead the charge as our campaign’s main spokesperson. And, more than anything, we got people laughing. Well-timed comedy goes a very long way in providing an escape. As for quantitative results, our overall campaign finished with over 37 million impressions statewide, 60% thruplay on all social videos and over $2 million in earned media.

Because the Lottery is a state-run agency, there were certainly a number of local references we tapped into for this campaign. Michael Bennett was a member of the Seahawks Super Bowl-winning team. The Kingdome was the since-imploded football stadium the Seahawks played in during the ‘90s. Then there are MANY universal references to the ‘90s itself, including mentions of fax machines, CD players and flip phones.




Todd Derksen

Joe Gerlitz

Andy Spieth

Ty Bowen Miller

Dax Estorninos

Yash Mathur

Kristie Christensen

Emily Libby

James Mackenzie

Aubrey Rumore

Audrey Steinberger

Gina Neace

Kylah Cech

Scooter Churchill

A Fresh Face in Hell

Jonathan Zames

Jason Botkin

Jill McBride

Brand Plew

Paul Plew

HEARby Sound

John Buroker


Duran Castro

Travis Button

submitted media