Best PSA Campaign

Homeowners Assistance Fund


The Vida Agency

In 2022, the US government launched the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF), which provides relief funds and support to people at risk of losing their homes due to COVID-19. The program included a federal mandate that the funds be distributed equitably, with an emphasis on the socially disadvantaged groups hit hardest by the pandemic. Research of fund distribution in other states showed a lack of funds going to BIPOC homeowners. The Vida Agency was selected for this project largely because of our expertise in multicultural campaigns and equitable community outreach. Our task was to create campaign communications that would connect with English, Spanish, Vietnames, Chinese, and Somali homeowners.

The primary challenges:

  • Obtaining data on BIPOC homeowners in Washington state.
  • Creating effective reach to the primary audience without also advertising to other communities.
  • Cutting through the noise of scam advertisting around this subject.

Key objectives:

  • Reach BIPOC homeowners who may be struggling to pay their mortgage due to COVID. 
  • Create a multilingual culturally relevant campaign to drive traffic to the website.

The campaign utilized earned media in multicultural publications, partnerships with CBOs to conduct community outreach, and targeted digital tactics, anchored in clear and consistent messaging across all communications and platforms. 

As of 2023, the campaign resulted in $50 million funds distributed and over 2.1K homeowners supported with 46% being BIPOC homeowners.

Campaign themes were tailored to be culturally relevant to the audience. For example, we created an end of the year campaign with the headline "The best gift? Saving your home." for the English, Spanish, and Vietnamese audiences. The connection to "gift and gift giving at the end of the year would not have resonated with the Chines and Somali audiences so the headline for these two audiences was "Coming together to save your home."




Ciara Honig

Norea Hoeft

Sydney Flau

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