Integrated Campaign Excellence

Oregon's Most Beloved Region is Right Under Your Nose


Sparkloft Media

Washington County, Oregon, sits just west of downtown Portland. More than simply "the suburbs, "The Near & Dear campaign reimagined Washington County as 'Tualatin Valley,' transforming it from merely Portland's suburbs into a vibrant destination. Our creative idea was to unify its rich cultural and natural attractions under the compelling brand of Tualatin Valley. This strategy aimed to shift the existing positive sentiments toward Washington County into a cohesive and inviting image for the Valley, making it a distinct and beloved region in its own right.

The main challenge was building buy-in for the new 'Tualatin Valley' brand, transferring positive connotations to the new name while also navigating locals' resistance to change. Our objective was to promote this destination without direct competition or comparison with Portland or other regions of Oregon. The campaign highlighted its proximity to Portland alongside unique regional adventures, showcasing Tualatin Valley as Oregon’s quintessential experience—diverse, uncrowded, and uniquely inviting.

The 'Near & Dear' campaign unified Tualatin Valley’s identity, showcasing 'Best-of-Oregon experiences' without the crowds. The multi-channel campaign targeted locals, day trippers, and overnight visitors with seasonal refreshes across print, out-of-home, digital, and paid social media. Results: In the first month, Out of Home placements in Portland achieved 11M impressions, paid social garnered 985K impressions, and Tualatin Valley saw a 300% YoY increase in direct homepage visits, double homepage visits via search, and a 48% rise in overall web traffic.

Tualatin Valley, located west of Portland, Oregon, is a diverse region known for its wineries, outdoor recreation, and cultural experiences. It's part of the Pacific Northwest, famed for its natural beauty and sustainability ethos.



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