Best Product and/or Product Packaging

Yesly Water Brand Packaging


Yesly Water

Retail Voodoo

Beverage industry legends Ken Uptain and Scott Miller engaged Retail Voodoo to create a brand in the beverage space for their newest concept: a still water beverage with functional benefits. The idea: Create a packaging visual identity that expresses the brands energy, rebel attitude, and invites its consumers to "Make Your Mark" on the world.

Main challenges: Standing out in a very crowded category while communicating the brand's unique point of difference.

Key Objectives: Gain distribution locally first, and eventually nationally.

While our functional beverage competitors opt for dark palletes and artificial feeling colors, Yesly stands out as a light, bright, and natural beacon on shelf. Its logo is disrubtive and creates a bullseye that draws consumers in. 

Results: Exceeded year one sales goals. Secured a distribution agreement with New York metro area DSD house Big Geyser. Continued expansion of distribution into areas across the United States.



David Lemley

Jacquelyn Olivieri

Jay Hilburn

Steve Gheret

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