Best PSA Campaign

Animals Can't


North, Inc

In a strategic push against animal advocate industry norms, we chose to bring levity and fun to the holiday season by sharing why Oregon Humane Society's biggest fans never donate: animals have no money. Through bright pops of color, interesting animals, fun copywriting and iconic media placements, we blanketed the Portland Metro region with reasons why to donate.

Oregon Humane Society fundraiser: As with most non-profits, November & December are prime fundraising months. The brief was simple. Help raise funds.


Best Holiday season fundraiser in Oregon Humane Society's history.

With limited budget, we had to be very considered in our approach to production. The simple, but "poppy" color & speech bubbles allowed the message to be straight forward and for the animals to be the hero. We also surprised one of OHS's biggest donors by featuring his dog on a billboard that was located near his home.

Fun fact: OHS does not allow images of animals without collars. Our post production process of applying collars & tags to stock imagery was achieved through AI and lots of fine tuning in photoshop & after effects.



Kristina Day

Mark Ray

Blake Caudle

John Askew

Jake Buff

submitted media