Integrated Campaign Excellence

Let's Get Started Campaign



The "Let's Get Started" campaign for the College of Western Idaho (CWI) tackled a pivotal barrier: the internal self-doubt among its prospective students. A robust media plan on traditional and digital platforms blanketed the Treasure Valley in Idaho with common self-doubt phrases, flipping them on their head into empowering words of encouragement for prospective students.

Main Challenges:

  • Confronting and changing the internal narrative of self-doubt.

  • Enhancing CWI’s awareness and perception

  • Driving enrollment at a time when higher education is being questioned


Key Objectives:

  • Empower prospective students with the confidence to go to college

  • Broaden awareness of CWI as a supportive and accessible educational institution

  • Increase enrollment

It’s not hard to imagine a status-quo college spot with smiling students in classrooms and drone footage of the campus. Conversely, you can also imagine how brave it was for CWI to sign off on a campaign with none of that. 

The good news is their bravery paid off. Six months after launch, a community awareness and perception survey showed a 5% increase in unaided awareness & a 6.2% increase in awareness of offerings. We also surpassed industry benchmarks in views and engagement on Meta, YouTube, and TikTok. The best part was the 4% increase in enrollment that far exceeded the 1.2% increase in national undergraduate enrollment. 

The campaign for CWI was meticulously crafted to authentically and effectively resonate with its diverse demographic, including first-generation college students, immigrants, and adult learners, ensuring it empowers the entire community despite its varied needs.




Only Today

Monuments Creative

Vision Kit Studio

submitted media